Newsletter 5th April 2020

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5th April 2020

Message from the President

Bridge makes up a huge part of my life, so not being able to play is devastating.  But what I have realised, is that I have missed the interactions with you, my fellow Rockingham bridge Club members, more than I miss my bridge.  No, I don’t have a fever – I mean this from the bottom of my heart.  This got me to thinking that whilst we are prevented from congregating – let’s create an environment where we are in constant communication, sharing stories, sharing tips and ideas.  So I will endeavour to keep in touch via a newsletter.

Whilst I am very new to the role, I cannot promise that it will continue with regularity but during the Coronavirus Craziness my Committee and I will regularly issue this newsletter.  We will let it evolve and I encourage you to let us know of any news – whether it is an online Bridge app you found and want to share, a funny joke that you got forwarded, a handy tip or recipe, anything that you think will interest Rockingham Bridge Club members.

My committee and I have been using this spare time to familiarise ourselves with the computer and processes of the Bridge Club, so we hope to be able to hit the ground running when we get back to playing at the club.  Should the lockdown permit, we will be fixing the leaking roof and we have had the carpet cleaned and will be undertaking any other general maintenance that is required.

My Coronavirus Tip – there is a lot of “fake news” out there, there are lots and lots of stories that resemble part fact but not the whole truth.  The WA Government have a website with all things Coronavirus – you can access it here.  I recommend that when a friend says you can catch it from your dog, instead of panicking, do a fact check first.

Can you believe it - we are playing bridge as a group still!

Thanks to Mike Fulwood for his patience and good humour, he has worked tirelessly setting up sessions and getting us playing this game we love so much.  For those of you that are daunted by the thought of the technology – trust me – if I can do it, you can.  For full details on the process – please see our news post “Keep on playing through COVID-19”.

We have even had a Teams match – it was really quite exciting.  Once again – a huge thanks to Mike for helping us get started.

Getting to know your Committee

Born and educated in Kenya, but boy does that seem a century ago!  I am an avid sports fan, unfortunately these days it involves watching and not participating.  I absolutely love Cricket and still hold a strong allegiance to the Proteas (I know, I can hear what you are thinking – traitor).  I have a passion for Formula 1 racing, golf and rugby.  

I have 2 wonderful daughters, Sharon – lives in Sydney with her husband John.  Sharon has been helping us with the website and social media.  My youngest daughter Jenny, lives here in Rockingham with her husband Neil.  I have 2 grandchildren, and 3 great grand children all of whom live locally.

I am a christian and a regular church goer, I love to cook and bake and am well known for my preserves and Christmas cakes.

A little help surviving self isolation

As you are aware the WA Government has advised that those at risk (anyone with a pre-existing health condition and those over 70 years of age) should be self isolating and avoiding unnecessary contact with others.  This is a lot harder to do than you think and here are a few things to help keep you occupied.

Bridge Care Pack

The Bridge Shop has got together with suppliers and created a Digital Bridge Care Pack – it is available by clicking here.  It gives you 2 free digital books from MasterPress, a Bridge Lesson from Marty Bergen, a free copy of Australian Bridge Magazine and many other tools.  A big thank you to for doing this.

ABF daily bridge column

The Australian Bridge Federation is publishing a daily bridge column to help us, this can be accessed by clicking here.

Play Bridge online with your regular partner

We are here to help, we are researching and finding Bridge tools online and will post instructions.  Should you require help getting this set up, we will also endeavour to put you in touch with someone who can help.  More to come in related articles.

The Australian Ballet offer free productions

Starting today, The Australian Ballet will be releasing their new “At Home with Ballet TV” digital season and the great news for ballet fans out there it is absolutely free.

To see more – click here to go the The Australian Ballet website.

Putting a smile on your dial

Member updates

An update from Joan.

That’s all folks.  Stay safe, keep healthy and if you have any news, stories, jokes and tips that you want to share – please complete the form below.