First online session held yesterday

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In these unprecedented times, we are forced to work outside of our comfort zones, this is probably the best way to describe our first RBC BBO session.

Janice, Pat, Mitch, Nicky and Mike played and although slow to start we would deem the session a success.

Just as well Mike has such short hair as I think he would have pulled out a lot with us on trying to get the hang of things!! It was most enjoyable and look forward to the next time.

A very big thank you to Mike for giving up his time and helping us. 

Nicky O’Connell
Club President

Please don’t let this put you off as it was fun and once you know how – it is easy. To understand what this is about and see the process please click here.

The next session will be held at 2pm on Saturday 28th March. Don’t miss out sign up today and be ready.