Category: News

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Newsletter 20th April 2020

20th April 2020 Message from the President I hope that this email finds you all in good health and good spirits, this is our third newsletter – which means we haven’t seen each other for at least 4 weeks.  As the government have said that the COVID restrictions will not be downgraded for at least …

Newsletter 13th April 2020

13th April 2020 Message from the President Firstly, on behalf of all the members we would like offer our sincerest condolences to Hazel Bennett and family on the loss of her daughter Jacqueline who has been ill for some time. Hazel, our hearts and prayers are with you at this devastating time. On a lighter …

Newsletter 5th April 2020

5th April 2020 Message from the President Bridge makes up a huge part of my life, so not being able to play is devastating.  But what I have realised, is that I have missed the interactions with you, my fellow Rockingham bridge Club members, more than I miss my bridge.  No, I don’t have a …

First online session held yesterday

In these unprecedented times, we are forced to work outside of our comfort zones, this is probably the best way to describe our first RBC BBO session. Janice, Pat, Mitch, Nicky and Mike played and although slow to start we would deem the session a success. Just as well Mike has such short hair as …

Keep on playing through COVID-19

Play Bridge online with other Rockingham Bridge Club members With the current coronavirus situation, no bridge sessions and the government strongly encouraging those over 70 to “self isolate”, these are very hard times.  However, it is extremely important that we keep our spirits up and keep ourselves busy and mentally stimulated.  Bridge Base Online is …

Missing your bridge?

Missing bridge due to Covid-19 closure. We have great news, an introduction to Australia’s online bridge clubs. Play Tournaments or friendly games, even get MasterPoints.

CoronaVirus Update: Club to close temporarily

CoronaVirus Update: Rockingham Bridge Club to close temporarily After long and hard deliberation by the committee and on the advice of the Australian Bridge Federation we have decided to cease all bridge sessions at the Club for a period of 4 weeks. I know some of you will be bitterly disappointed, whilst it may be …

2020 Bridge Congress

2020 Bridge Congress The Rockingham Bridge Club held its 2020 congress the weekend 7th and 8th February.  It was a great success and is one of the most popular congresses, taking less than 4 hours for entries to close.  Huge thanks and congratulations to Congress Convenor Janice Hawker on such a successful event.  Thanks to …

RBC turns 40

Rockingham Bridge Club’s 40th birthday celebrations Through the drive and foresight of Peg Brady, Rockingham Bridge Club was founded in 1979.  Peg’s class students of 1978 were the inaugural members and their first bridge session was held in the first week of July 1979, in the Library Hall at Rockingham. News soon got around that …

Morning Tea a huge success

Rockingham Bridge Club regularly holds a morning tea with the aim to showcase the Bridge Club to any potential new members, those thinking about taking up this beautiful game. We also take this opportunity to introduce last year’s beginners to some of the members, giving them the opportunity to play “out of the nursery with …