New Multi Media System installed

You may have noticed that there have been changes to our Club Rooms – two huge screens!

The idea for a Multi-media System was put forward in 2019 and in 2020 the Club applied to Rockingham City Council for a grant to help cover the cost.  Finally in 2021, despite some minor technical problems, Dave Clark and Peter Priestly are setting up the system and will be showing Directors and Teachers how to use it.

Some of the things the system can do:

  • any website can be displayed
  • anything on the Director’s computer can be shown
  • anything on a USB stick or output from DVD, CD, smart phone or laptop can be displayed
  • live TV or TV apps can be watched

In fact, any visual display can be put on the screens.

Teachers can put up their lessons and notes for their class to view.

The screens can show the Club’s website, the Bridge topic of the day, Club notices etc before play starts.

At the Director’s discretion, each table’s progress can be shown, how many tables are waiting for the next round, half time and full time scores and percentages.

We also have a laptop computer donated by the City of Rockingham that is connected to the screens.  No need to leave the playing area to look at the computer!

Thank you to Dave and Peter for all your hard work.

Thank you to the City of Rockingham for supporting the project with a grant of $4500 and a reconditioned laptop.