Good day members
A week closer to opening up again. That’s the way we have to look at each week that goes by! Although, I have worked out how to make the tables bigger but we still have to share cards and the way not to share cards would be far too costly.
So we have to be positive and look forward to the day we can play as a club again.
I do hope all the mothers in this world were made special even through theses unfortunate circumstances. I had my first outing with family. My granddaughters treated their mum and I to ice cream and coffee at the foreshore. It was my first real outing since lockdown. I was also treated to the most delicious breakfast at my daughter Jenny’s home cooked by Neil.
I have been shopping but went with a list. Kept to the list and definitely saved a lot of money just shopping for what I needed!! So all those gurus that tell us to do that to save money are right!! But still, I long to linger and see what’s new!!
Mike and I played in the Mandurah green point match on Thursday. It was much better than playing on our own three days. We had 27 boards and it was great playing with them. We had to say who we were which was also good. We have our first official match today. I do hope as many of you will support the Rockingham club match. We are grateful that we have Mike who is so good with the BBO system.
See you there!
Keep safe
We had three full tables and three team matches were held.
RBC’s first online tournament will kick off at 2.10 pm on Monday 11th May.
The name of the tournament is “#8463 Pairs Rockingham Bridge Club – Monday Pairs”
This is the name you will need to look for in the All Tournament List.
Tournament Entry fee is BBO$ 3.00
Registration for the tournament will open at 12.10pm on Monday 11th.
As Director of the tournament my Username is vABF6784 – please note that this is me not some random. J Neville Walker from Mandurah will be a co-director. His username for is vABF6778.
IMPORTANT: If you wish to start playing Tournaments, there are a few necessary steps to do – please read this document in advance and complete steps.
Mike Fulwood (Online Coordinator)
For those that don’t have access to a computer we have added a Print and PDF function on our Newsletter. You will notice an option to Print or Save as PDF at the top of the Newsletters. So if you know of anyone that would like to receive the newsletter – please let us know or if you could print it off and give it to them that would be great.
As Master Point Officer I have the pleasant task of notifying the ABF of all points won by members each month and the responsibility for anything else to do with points including registering new players with ABF
I was born in Epping in Essex, England. My Welsh mother met my father when she was bridesmaid at her sister’s wedding to an Epping boy; my father was the groom’s brother.
At that time my mother’s job in a large house in London was coming to an end and she moved to Epping and got a job in the local hospital.
She married my father just after the beginning of WW2.
Two months before VE Day; three months before I was born my father, a glider pilot, was killed in action in Holland.
When I was ten month’s old my mother moved back to Pontypridd, South Wales to look after her sick mother, and allow my grandfather, “Stoker ” Jones, to continue stoking coal, making steam to raise and lower cages in the local coal mine.
Due to a serious childhood illness I was unable to attend school between the ages of ten to fifteen but later qualified as a Science Technician and worked for many years at the University of Glamorgan, mainly as a research chemistry technician.
I played soccer, cricket, and later squash and golf and also coached badminton.
I met my wife Jill who also worked at the university and we have two children; our daughter lives in WA and our son in Wales. We have three granddaughters and a grandson who give us great pleasure.
When we retired, almost fifteen years ago, we emigrated to Australia and learnt to play Bridge. On starting to play Bridge seriously, I made myself 2 goals:
To become a State Master and to achieve 200 masterpoints.
I became a State Master a year ago and with only 2 more masterpoints needed I hope to make 200 soon after we are able to play again.
Here are some videos, images that will hopefully bring some joy.
You’re in South in a 4❤ contract.
West led with ♣K.
You have 4 losers and obviously you need to figure out a way to
reduce a loser in order to make the contract and win 10 tricks.
What is the best play, to enhance your chances of making the contract?
You’re in South and the contract is 4♥. West leads ♦A.
How can you improve your chances of making the contract?
West has led the ♦A and played another ♦ round, which we won.
It appears that everything is good, since we have only 3 losers:
1 in ♦, 1 in ♥ and 1 in ♠.
(The ♠K is with West who had bid 1♠, therefore the Finesse is doomed to fail.)
Still we shouldn’t be too cheerful. The lead indicates that West has a doubleton in ♦. What will happen if East holds the ♥A?
When East wins, he will play another ♦, which will be ruffed by West, and there will be no way to avoid losing 4 tricks
It’s true that West’s bid suggests that most of the missing points are in his hand, so the chance that East holds the ♥A seems pretty slim, but still, it is better to be safe, than sorry.
If indeed the ♥A is in East, we will not be able to prevent
a ♦ ruff by West, so as the saying goes “if you can’t beat them, join them”.
How? We will make sure that after West ruffs a ♦, he will be in an “End Play” position and will have no choice but to play a ♠ and make the finesse, for us.
For this to happen we need to “clean” the ♣ suit, before we play trumps.
The correct play:
1. Win with the ♣AK
2. Ruff a 3rd ♣ with the ♥9! This way, if West has a doubleton in ♣, he will
not over-ruff with an intermediate trump.
3. We will now play a trump round and as anticipated, East wins with the ♥A.
4. East plays a ♦ and West ruffs, but is now in an “End Play” position and has no choice but to play a ♠ and make the finesse in ♠ for us.
Hello to all Members. If you know of any of our members who are not well, please let me know and I will send them an appropriate card.
Thank you.
Betty Philpot.
Welfare Officer.
That’s all folks. Stay safe, keep healthy and if you have any news, stories, jokes and tips that you want to share – please complete the form below.
Cnr McLarty and Watts Road
Safety Bay
WA 6169
Call us: 08 9591 3444
Email us:
© 2025 Rockingham Bridge Club.