Newsletter 13th April 2020

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13th April 2020

Message from the President

Firstly, on behalf of all the members we would like offer our sincerest condolences to Hazel Bennett and family on the loss of her daughter Jacqueline who has been ill for some time. Hazel, our hearts and prayers are with you at this devastating time.

On a lighter note, can you believe that we are excited at the picture below!! The lines really did need painting! You will notice there is a building on the left, yes it’s still there and is waiting patiently for us to return to occupy it! Probably not as anxious as we are to be there.  We have spoken to the council about the road to the back parking being in need of repair – unfortunately this wasn’t repaired but we are pressing them as this was requested by Roz over a year ago.

We would like to thank Hilary and Keith Tunnard for putting the chairs and tables back on our newly cleaned carpet. All stains gone. What a pleasure. Now those of you that used to complain that every time you came into the club you would sneeze or cough I think you’ll be happy. 😊 

Lyn, our catering manager is cleaning all the cupboards out and is now attacking the storeroom! Thank you Lyn.

Many of our members have been playing on line on BridgeBase Online/Step Bridge several times a week. I have to make special mention of Mike Fulwood who has been so patient with us, and we have even played a couple of teams matches. I must say that’s more fun.

Stay safe.

Still havent played Bridge online? Give it a go.

Read all about it here “Keep on playing through COVID-19”.

Contact Nicky or Mike to get a game.

Getting to know your Committee

Raewyn Lewer – Vice President. I thank Members for their confidence in me – and will enjoy working hard to support President Nicky and Committee. My view on the Club is always to strive for a happy balance between being friendly and welcoming alongside being professional and promoting excellence in our brain sport of Bridge – a cross between an enjoyable social experience – (after all – we wouldn’t come if we didn’t enjoy it) and a real ‘brain strain’ challenge (and we wouldn’t stay if it didn’t challenge us.) 

The game can be fraught with euphoria and despair – hence high emotion. I am hopeful that we will all remind ourselves to be respectful of others – and follow the guiding laws and rules of play (and …. we won’t stay if we are hurt.)
I’m a New Zealander – from a farm in a small country town. My Grandparents bought the land 1886 – it was bush-covered steep country – beautiful ! Grandad built the school, cheese factory and church. So I spent all my primary education in a one-roomed school. High school – boarding – huge – was a shock. After a gap year in an office – I did teacher Training in Christchurch. Married – moved to Laucala Bay Air Force Base in Suva for 3 years and taught in a school with local children. Loved it.

Moves followed to Blenheim (two daughters born there – Kathryn and Julie), then Martinborough, Hawkes Bay and Palmerston North. So my teaching experience grew with two teacher schools – then a big city school.
Next move was to Mosgiel in Otago – and finally I discovered Bridge !! It was 1977 – a great teacher and a great Club. Dunedin Universities seemed to produce lots of young bridge players – something I’ve not seen so much since.
Then we moved to Katanning, Australia – which had a great little Bridge Club – were I happily played until moving to Safety Bay and the Rockingham Bridge Club in 1994. And here I happily settled in – enjoying all the aspects I’ve been able to be involved in – and since Members seem to have become ‘family’ – it looks like I’ll happily stay. Oh – and our life in Australia has produced four lovely grandchildren – Pieter, Tom, Bella and Lou – and a great granddaughter – Elise.
Health and safety in our sport has always been an issue where we sit closely facing others and all handle cards and food – which I know we are all conscious of. Here’s hoping we can quickly return to our Club and sport – where I am sure we will bring some of the pandemic lessons learned for our future.

A little help surviving self isolation

Here are some videos, images that will hopefully bring some joy.

The Royal Albert Hall offers free at home concerts

The Royal Albert Hall have had to cancel a number of concerts due to COVID-19 restrictions.  In response to this they are arranging for entertainers to continue with performances from home.  The live events are not friendly for our timezone – but they do stream them after the event.  Click here to see the program

There is a comprehensive lists of other broadcasts available here

Member updates

That’s all folks.  Stay safe, keep healthy and if you have any news, stories, jokes and tips that you want to share – please complete the form below.