Dear Members,
We had our first on line green point bridge Day last Monday. A big thank you to Mike for directing it. Our own members did very well, with Alan and Kimberley winning the event. We would have had 6 tables but one person dropped out just as the tournament was starting and they landed up playing with Yvonne and myself, (who were subs). Otherwise the session went well and we hope to have more tables today.
In the Mandurah session last Thursday Di and Florence were winners with Betty and Rita coming second.
This week we had a directors meeting. Raewyn will be chairing the meetings, our aim is to get the present directors, who wish, to sit for their red point director’s exam. At this point I would like to thank our directors for all their hard work week after week. We are looking for people who are interested in becoming directors. If you are interested but concerned, rest assured, you will be supported through-out and given assistance until you are confident and ready to stand on your own two feet. This is a great opportunity to give back and I urge you to give it a go. To register your interest, please contact Raewyn.
I can’t tell you how much I’m looking forward to seeing you all in the flesh. Will we still be able to give each other a hug, I’m not so sure? I still find it strange not being able to hug my own family. I do hope that when we’re allowed to do so that we haven’t forgotten that essential part of greeting good friends.
Keep safe and remember that although we are on the road to recovery, we still need to keep our distance.
Kind regards
The last two weeks have seen the first online tournaments (sessions) run by both Rockingham and Mandurah bridge clubs. Our two clubs are cooperating to offer opportunities for the kind of competitive play that we normally have at our clubs to be shared online via BridgeBase Online. Players from both clubs are welcome at any of these sessions.
Currently these tournaments (20+ boards per session) are offered :
Players from our club have earned Master Points from these recent events, as well as having the opportunity to continue to enjoying bridge despite the current COVID-19 restrictions.
It is anticipated that as this online experience becomes established that our clubs may offer more weekly sessions.
For those not yet online for bridge you can register your interest by contacting our online bridge coordinator Mike Fulwood.
We have a series of “How to Videos” to help you through the process, you can find them here.
RBC’s online tournament will kick off at 1.10 pm on Monday 18th May.
The name of the tournament is “#8463 Pairs Rockingham Bridge Club – Monday Pairs”
This is the name you will need to look for in the All Tournament List.
Tournament Entry fee is BBO$ 3.00
Registration for the tournament will open at 12.10pm.
As Director of the tournament my Username is vABF6784 – please note that this is me not some random. J Neville Walker from Mandurah will be a co-director. His username for is vABF6778.
IMPORTANT: If you wish to start playing Tournaments, there are a few necessary steps to do – please read this document in advance and complete steps.
Mike Fulwood (Online Coordinator)
To cope with the increased volume Bridgebase Online (BBO) have made a significant change to their set up which will impact you if you play Bridge through the Casual Table function. They have separated Tournament/competitive players and Casual players. But this means that when setting up a Casual Table – all your players need to have clicked the Casual option for you to see them in your people tab or for them to receive your invitation to a table.
Please watch the video below for a more detailed explanation. Any issues – please let me know.
Note: if you have been using the Competitive play option – this does not affect you.
For those that don’t have access to a computer we have added a Print and PDF function on our Newsletter. You will notice an option to Print or Save as PDF at the top of the Newsletters. So if you know of anyone that would like to receive the newsletter – please let us know or if you could print it off and give it to them that would be great.
Here are some videos, images that will hopefully bring some joy.
You’re in South in a 4♥ contract.
West leads with ♦K.
How will you play to achieve 10 tricks?
You’re in South in a 4❤ contract.
West led with ♣K.
You have 4 losers and obviously you need to figure out a way to
reduce a loser in order to make the contract and win 10 tricks.
What is the best play, to enhance your chances of making the contract?
West has led with the ♣K.
We count 4 losers:
2 in ♦, 1 in ♥, 1 in ♠.
Our tendency is to enter Dummy, win with the ♦A and finesse in ♠. If the finesse succeeds, the contract is safe, but if it fails (50% chance), we will lose control and fail to make the contract.
We can try drawing trumps first, but again, we risk losing control later, as after our opponents win with the ♥A, they will play ♦, and force us to win with our ♦A, far earlier than we had planned.
Now, we will have to try the finesse in ♠ and if it fails, we will not be able to avoid losing 2 more ♦ tricks and the contract is doomed to fail.
So what do we do?
In order to enhance our chances we will not draw trumps first, and we will give up on the ♠ finesse. Instead, we will make sure not to “waste” (to win) our ♦A, before we discard a ♦ loser on a high ♠.
The correct play:
1. Win with the ♣A
2. Win with the ♠A
3. Play the ♠Q! (Prepare your hand)
4. West won and plays a ♦, (too late now???) Win with the ♦A
5. Return to your hand with a ♣ ruff
6. Play the ♠J, discard a ♦ loser
7. Now is the time to play ♥. East wins with the ♥A.
8. The opponents will enjoy another ♦ trick, but the contract will be made
Hello to all Members. If you know of any of our members who are not well, please let me know and I will send them an appropriate card.
Thank you.
Betty Philpot.
Welfare Officer.
That’s all folks. Stay safe, keep healthy and if you have any news, stories, jokes and tips that you want to share – please complete the form below.
Cnr McLarty and Watts Road
Safety Bay
WA 6169
Call us: 08 9591 3444
Email us:
© 2025 Rockingham Bridge Club.