Dear Members,
It is with great regret that I have to inform you that Raewyn has resigned as Vice President and from the committee due to ill health. I don’t need to tell you what a huge impact she has had on our club? For our newer members, here is a very brief synopsis.
Raewyn, has been playing Bridge for 43 years! Wow, that’s a long time! She has run the Wednesday evening supervised classes for years. She has taught many members and brought a host of newcomers into the club. She is a director, and a card dealer.
To show her how much we respect her and appreciate all she has done for the club we are going to hold the Tuesday night red point event in her honour and call it THE RAEWYN LEWER TROPHY. Raewyn, we love you and look forward to see you back at the club, when you are feeling up to it, and playing bridge again. You never said you’re giving it up!
We are still playing quite a bit on line and we do thank Mike for all he is doing for us. I’m sure sometimes it can be a bit frustrating! Nevertheless, we do enjoy it and it’s making sure we know how to play when we go back to playing at the club. I’m really hoping that BAWA and ABF will Give us the ‘go ahead’ as soon as we are allowed to share equipment including cards. For those that are interested, here is a link to their latest advice.
We are expecting thunderstorms and lots of rain this week so please keep safe.
All the best
Online Bridge continues to offer the chance for play during COVID-19 restrictions.
Online tournaments are now being regularly run by both Rockingham and Mandurah Clubs with all players from both clubs welcome.
Tournaments are run :
Mondays from 1pm by Rockingham (registration from 11.10am Monday)
Thursdays from 1pm by Mandurah (registration from 11.10am Thursday)
Casual play is offered on Saturdays at 2pm.
Congratulations to Betty and Rita, Janice and Robin, Nicky and Mike who have all performed strongly in recent online tournaments.
For more information on online bridge check the website or contact Mike Fulwood (online coordinator) on
Mike Fulwood
Online Co-ordinator
Happy Birthday Ann Wilson on the 30th May.
Sending lots of love and best wishes to Raewyn Lewer – hope you are feeling better soon.
I was born in The Hague in Holland. My family emigrated to Jakarta in Indonesia in 1948 where we lived for 3 yrs before coming to Australia (when Indonesia gained Independence). My family moved several times looking for work in a new country, we lived in Balingup, Kojonup and Boyup Brook, where I went to primary school. I remember the children were all given little flags and booklets with the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth 11 in 1953. We moved to Perth where I finished primary school, then went to high school for 3yrs. From 1965 till 1968 I completed my nursing training at Royal Perth Hospital. I worked at Repatriation Hospital in Hollywood and then Concorde Hospital in Sydney in a Coronary Care Unit. I married and had 2 sons, when they came along I worked part time evening shifts at the Salvation Army Nursing Home for 11 yrs. We built a house in Wattleup where I lived until 1989 then moved to Port Kennedy. I learned to play tennis and later badminton which I still enjoy. When Kwinana Council built a Nursing home in 1983 I began working part time night shift which I did until my retirement 8 yrs ago. I volunteered for Care Options for 2 yrs, then found bridge learned Acol, and I’m still a learner .
Here are some videos, images that will hopefully bring some joy.
Planning the game commences immediately after the lead card is played and Dummy displays his hand.
The decisions we make, even before playing the first card, can in most cases, affect the fate of the entire game.
This week’s riddle is based on this principle and here it is:
You’re in South in a 3NT contract
West leads with ♠2
The game appears to be simple and straight forward, but when you take the potential dangers into consideration, it may become complicated, whilst the solution might be right “under your nose”.
Can you see it?
Let’s count the losers from South’s hand (the Dominant hand). We have 4 losers:
1 in ♦, 1 in ♠, 2 in ♥.
We need to get rid of one of the losers and the solution is simple: We will win with the ♥AK, then give up a ♥ trick and later ruff the 4th ♥ in Dummy.
Should we draw trumps first?
No! This will endanger the contract, as our opponents will win with the ♠A and play another round of trumps, which we will win, but now we will have to give up a ♥ trick, and obviously, the opponents will play trumps once again.
This will eliminate our last trump in Dummy and we will not be able to ruff the ♥ loser, as we originally planned.
Therefore the key element in this hand is to avoid drawing trumps.
The correct play:
1. Win with the ♦A
2. Cash the ♥AK
3. Play a ♥, East wins
4. East cashes the ♠A
5. Win the ♠ continuation
6. Ruff a ♥ in Dummy.
Now the contract is safe.
Hello to all Members. If you know of any of our members who are not well, please let me know and I will send them an appropriate card.
Thank you.
Betty Philpot.
Welfare Officer.
That’s all folks. Stay safe, keep healthy and if you have any news, stories, jokes and tips that you want to share – please complete the form below.
Cnr McLarty and Watts Road
Safety Bay
WA 6169
Call us: 08 9591 3444
Email us:
© 2025 Rockingham Bridge Club.