Dear members,
No more sleeps…. Hope to see you later, with all your sparkles and bling.
Last week we gave you the 10 commandments that should help keep us safe from Corona Virus when we open! A few people have asked how we maintain the 1.5m rule whilst at the bridge table, you will not be able to maintain this at all times; however, we will have you sitting at the corners of the tables to give you the little additional distance. WA Health have urged us to open and they are okay with us social distancing at all times where possible.
It is going to feel odd carrying your bidding box around with you, as well as not touching the Bridgemate to confirm the score, please look at the score before allowing north to press the accept button.
We won’t have table cloths as this will assist with the hygiene protocols, it will feel peculiar, but it is only temporary.
The weekly newsletters have proved to be very popular and have gone a very long way in keeping us connected through the COVID-19 Isolation period. I know I have said it before, but honestly, if it wasn’t for my daughter Sharon and her wonderful skills at the computer I would never have been able to do this. She has helped us set up the new website, Facebook page etc., she did it out of love for her mother – but we have given her a gift to show our appreciation.
We will be resurrecting the 7 NT magazine, which is a monthly newsletter. Between Jean Dance, Sharon and myself, we will keep you up to date. Thank you Jean for your offer of help.
Bridge Lessons are still on hold until COVID restrictions are relaxed, however, we are keeping the Wednesday night supervised sessions on. Betty and I will run them until Di gets better. Di and Alan are not well at present, and we wish them both a speedy recovery.
We have done a big drive to get the students to become members, as no one will be allowed to come to the club unless they are members. We are offering them seperate tables on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Then they can play socially, and at the same time see how competitive bridge is played. It is a good time for them to see what a wonderful club they have joined and how friendly we all are.
We are holding our 41st Anniversary pairs red point event on Friday this week. To enter you will need to register – at each session, someone will come around and ask you if you wish to play.
Wear bling, think it’s Christmas! Bring your debit/credit card or $5 note and be seated 15 minutes before play.
See you all soon.
Keep well
I was born in Bendigo Victoria, last century, to Enid (née McLaren) and Joseph Arblaster. My ancestors on my dad’s side had a gunpowder factory, (as my maiden name suggests), in Eaglehawk, close to Bendigo. I have 2 younger siblings and 2 older siblings. My oldest brother is now deceased.
I never had the privilege of meeting my grandparents as they died before I was born. My Great Aunt May was my Grandma figure and I spent special time with her in my childhood. I had a very fortunate childhood with all my needs being met! We were able to don new hats for the Bendigo Show and also for the Bendigo Easter Fair. The same hats were worn to Sunday School each week during the year.
I spent my whole school life at Girton Grammar in a brown uniform, including brown knickers, the latter were for when we hung upside down on the monkey bar. This was the schools effort of modesty, placing the monkey bar beside the boundary and school fence.
I spent a lot of our free time, free range playing making cubby houses and doing our own thing on the street near home and in summer swimming in the local pool. A friend and I even managed to pick a neighbours flowers and sell them to other neighbours. Quite a lucrative project until my parents put a stop to it.
I was a member of Girls Friendly Society and always aspired to joining Girl Guides like my older sister, (the uniform look smarter and it wasn’t brown), but it never did happen.
Before I left school I decided that General Nursing would be my career path. I was accepted into the Northern District School of Nursing in July 1966. Then on to Melbourne to do Midwifery in late 1969.
I have worked in various nursing roles in Melbourne and Western Australia.
I married John in 1971 and I have 2 amazing human beings as offspring – Clara and Hugh. Kathleen and Hugh have produced 2 beautiful Grandchildren, which give us much joy!
They are all full of good energy. ( I would like them all to start learning Bridge at an earlier stage in life than I did).
We have moved 9 times during our married life. In 1981 to Karratha and 1982 back to Melbourne and then to Sydney, all due to John’s work. All moves were positive and it allowed us to gain more lasting friendships along the way.
In 1983, we arrived back in Western Australia and I think in the near future we may reach the status of being West Australians.
I was fortunate to work in Community Health as a school nurse for 15 years and then at Kwinana Community Heath in Child and Adolescent Health until I retired 8 years ago. During my time in Community Health I was able to do further education at Curtin University in Child and Community Health.
We have enjoyed our travels to a number of destinations including overseas and around Australia. We are always drawn to Victoria to see my Family in Bendigo and Melbourne. We were fortunate to enjoy a 10 day trip to Melbourne and Port Fairy in March this year, before we went into lockdown because of COVID-19.
I love playing Bridge, thanks to my teacher Raewyn Lewer. Raewyn decided it was high time we left her classes and sent us off to experience life in the Bridge Club. Thank you Raewyn, it was scary but it had to happen!
I love catching up with my family, friends, reading, gardening, spending some time exercising in the week and doing some voluntary work at Coastal District Care in Rockingham.
I must mention two important members of our Family – Louis who is our 8 year old wire head dachshund and very good company, who likes his outings and walks and is a formidable watch dog! The other is Gidget our 1 year old Grand dog, a labradoodle, who meets and greets us enthusiastically and thoroughly enjoys a pat and a back massage.
I am looking forward to commencing back at Bridge again today after a forced break due to COVID-19.
How nice it will be to see my Bridge Buddies again, so I can learn more about the game of Bridge.
The last online Bridge events was held last Monday and Saturday. Saturday is a friendly with a Teams event, Monday is duplicate. Thanks again to Online Director Mike Fulwood for his time and energy in running these for the past few months. Your time and effort and patience…… is much appreciated.
Results from Monday are below; Congratulations to all winners and place getters.
Here are some videos, images that will hopefully bring some joy.
That’s all folks. Stay safe, keep healthy and if you have any news, stories, jokes and tips that you want to share – please complete the form below.
Cnr McLarty and Watts Road
Safety Bay
WA 6169
Call us: 08 9591 3444
Email us:
© 2025 Rockingham Bridge Club.