Good day members,
This week we reached a milestone in your committee members lives since being elected.
We met in person! The lockdown was put in place a week after the AGM. Yes, we kept our distance, we even had tea and cake afterwards. It was really good to see fellow bridge players again.
They had a chance to inspect the clean carpet. I can’t tell you how pleased I am with how the carpet came out, because, in September we tried to get the carpet cleaned and it was a fiasco and they only did a third of the carpet but the coffee stains were still there. I thought maybe they will never come out and I had resigned myself to that but these cleaners got everything out. Marvellous.
We continue to meet on line and play bridge on BBO. Those of you who want to play you can still join. On Thursday Mandurah are holding their first session of a chance to earn green points. They have asked me to encourage Rockingham members to join their club and play. It will cost you $5 and you would have to buy BB$. Mike and I are playing in it to ascertain any teething problems as we would like to hold our first green point event on the following Monday 11th. I urge you to please support this as Mike has put a lot of effort in getting us to play together on Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays. I know we all have a lot of fun on those days, so please support him on that Monday. He has written to us all who are registered to tell us how, so no excuses!
Keep safe and be encouraged that we, in WA, have lifted some restrictions so please adhere to the rules.
A number of members have continued to play bridge online using the Bridgebase Online platform.
We have had up to 18 players online together in recent weeks and there has been the opportunity for regular play on Monday, Thursday and Saturday afternoons.
Details of upcoming opportunities to play are
Monday 4th May – online play at 2pm. Casual tables with several team matches, depending on numbers.
Thursday 7th May @ 1:10pm. Mandurah Bridge Club Tournament.
Monday 11th May @ 2pm. Rockingham Bridge Club’s Inaugural Online Tournament, details below;
RBC’s first online tournament will kick off at 2.10 pm on Monday 11th May.
The name of the tournament is “#8463 Pairs Rockingham Bridge Club – Monday Pairs”
This is the name you will need to look for in the Free Tournament List.
Tournament Entry fee is BBO$ 3.00
Registration for the tournament will open at 12.10pm on Monday 11th.
My Tournament Director User Name is “vABF6784” – Players may wish to note this so they will recognise me if I need to chat with them.
NOTE – I will direct the tournament using this username not my regular “tjilpi2” username.
IMPORTANT: If you wish to start playing Tournaments, there are a few necessary steps to do – please read this document in advance and complete steps.
Mike Fulwood (Online Coordinator)
The steps are
I have the easy and very enjoyable job on the Bridge Club Committee. New members to process and welcome, and member information to update on the computer and in the file. Then there’s the trophies and honour boards to update.
I was born in Accrington Lancashire England but at 18 months old we moved to Alexandria Scotland, at 5 another move to Bradford Yorkshire and at 10 Rochdale Lancashire. Most of my childhood was wonderful, a little bit of school, a lot of playing out and trying to master a new accent to ‘fit in’. England is not like Australia, every town has its own accent. I really mastered the Lancashire accent and never managed to master the Aussie one. I did a secretarial course after school and work in that position until I had children. Keith and I met when I joined a local walking club. We fell in love, married and had two children all within about three years. My mother said “there are no more sorts now, you have a girl and a boy”. Fourteen months between them, gave her a bit of a shock.
Then we decided to emigrate to Australia. We set sail from Southampton on Sitmar line, Fairstar Cruise ship on 6th September 1969 and landed in Fremantle 4.1/2 weeks later. Within 9 days of landing Keith had a job at AIS with an offer of a fully furnished duplex in Spearwood. Two more children arrived making four in all, and Keith’s mother migrated here in 1973. She loved it here as much as we did.
From the moment we set foot on Aussie soil, we have never looked back. What a beautiful Country to live in. We now have three married children, five grandchildren and a great grandson. What a great blessing.
I enjoy Badminton, Bridge, Mah-jong, Walking, Church activities, Computer games, being a volunteer, but most of all making new friends at all the activities I’m involved in.
Here are some videos, images that will hopefully bring some joy.
You’re in South and the contract is 4♥. West leads ♦A.
How can you improve your chances of making the contract?
1. How many losers do you count? Answer: 2 in ♦ and 2 in ♣ (too many!)
2. How many tricks can you count? Answer: We have 7 Tricks: 5 in ♠, 1 in ❤, 1 in ♣ – not encouraging at all.
3. How should you play in order to enhance your chance of making the contract?
If the ♦A is with East, we can enter Dummy by winning with one of the trumps and play a small ♦ towards the ♦K. We will then ruff a ♦ twice to make the contract. Unfortunately West holds the ♦A and not only are we unable to win with the ♦K, but we now depend on ruffing 3 diamonds to make the contract.
The situation is exacerbated when West reads the situation. He plays a trump and our trump holdings are reduced to only 2 in Dummy.
Now there’s no way we can make the contract, as we have to lose another ♦ and 2 more ♣’s.
Where did we go wrong?
After counting 7 tricks, we should have identified the need to ruff 3 Diamonds and make sure we don’t waste a precious trump, in order to try a finesse, which after all has a 50% chance of succeeding.
Instead, after winning with the A❤, we should have played a small ♦ from our hand. Yes, the opponents will win, but even if they continue with a trump round, we will still have 3 trumps in Dummy and by using the “Cross-Ruff” technique, we will be able to win them all.
The correct play
Happy birthday to Ron, Happy Mothers Day to all the mums.
Hello to all Members. If you know of any of our members who are not well, please let me know and I will send them an appropriate card.
Thank you.
Betty Philpot.
Welfare Officer.
That’s all folks. Stay safe, keep healthy and if you have any news, stories, jokes and tips that you want to share – please complete the form below.
Cnr McLarty and Watts Road
Safety Bay
WA 6169
Call us: 08 9591 3444
Email us:
© 2025 Rockingham Bridge Club.