Dear Members,
We had a meeting this week to decide whether we should open or not. BAWA had written to say that it was up to the club whether to open or not but to remember that if we contravene the Covid rules we will not be insured. Our Club Insurance is currently done through the ABF. There were a lot of decisions to make, two main ones were;
We decided that if we’re open we should open all the days. This way, no one would be excluded and it would make the sessions smaller thus enabling the tables to be spread apart.
We concluded that
The nagging doubt we had, was how do we comply with the social distancing rule of adhering to the 1.5m bubble. Even using the Mahjong table tops we still cannot comply with the 1.5m social distancing rule.
We debated and researched as at restaurants they don’t sit 1.5m apart and that they use the square footage for the amount of patrons they are allowed, we can do that, Hooray!
That means we can open! We were very happy and I was to:-
On checking with the BAWA representative, the 1.5m rule applies and unless we get around that hurdle – we cannot open under current COVID restrictions. The reason the restaurants are allowed to be closer to each other is that the patrons come in as a group, eat drink and then leave. The table is then cleaned. We, on the other hand, move around the room and mix. That is why we have to comply with the 1.5m rule.
So, friends, it means we have to wait until that rule is lifted. If, however, it looks like it is going to stay we will look into the cost of making our tables bigger.
The cost of increased cleaning, would also most likely mean that we would need to temporarily increase table fees, and I’m almost sure that it will have to go to a special General meeting, although these circumstances are unusual.
Please be patient whilst we assess all options and know that our main priority is to get you all back playing bridge at the club as soon as possible – but we will not compromise on your health and safety or break the law.
We have had the ok from the council to install the dishwasher. That’s another positive. So all is not so bad. I really wish though, that I had good news for you. Do not despair, you know what I say at the bridge table? My glass is half full!
In the meanwhile, we can still play on line.
We are still desperately seeking Directors. Please, please would you consider being a director, we have a unique opportunity to train you and we are getting quite desperate. Remember, no directors, no bridge. That would be very sad. It might even mean cutting the number of days we play. Even sadder!!
Eve Dethlefsen has graciously accepted the ‘Head of directors’ Portfolio, in place of our beloved Raewyn who has some brilliant ideas. Raewyn, we will do our best to implement some of your suggestions. We are having a meeting 19th June 10am. Directors, please make a note and attend. This is for anyone else who thinks they might try being one, please come along and see what it entails. Your club needs you!
Chin up folks, we’ll get there.
Keep safe
Online Bridge continues to offer the chance for play during COVID-19 restrictions.
Online tournaments are now being regularly run by both Rockingham and Mandurah Clubs with all players from both clubs welcome.
Tournaments are run :
Mondays from 12:30pm by Rockingham (registration from 10:40am Monday)
Thursdays from 1pm by Mandurah (registration from 11.10am Thursday)
Casual play is offered on Saturdays at 2pm, please join play in the casual room facilitated by Janice (Jobejhang) and Mike (tjilpi2).
The results of the Online Master Point days are now on our Results Page – thanks to Neville. Click here to access.
The next BBO National Online Tournament organised by the ABF will be played on Sunday, June 7.
There will be separate Open and Restricted* events.
They will start at 12.30 pm. You can enter on BBO from 10.30 pm onwards. Click here to view more information.
For more information on online bridge check the website or contact Mike Fulwood (online coordinator) on
Mike Fulwood
Online Co-ordinator
Here are some videos, images that will hopefully bring some joy.
Planning the game commences immediately after the lead card is played and Dummy displays his hand.
The decisions we make, even before playing the first card, can in most cases, affect the fate of the entire game.
This week’s riddle is based on this principle and here it is:
You’re in South in a 3NT contract
West leads with ♠2
The game appears to be simple and straight forward, but when you take the potential dangers into consideration, it may become complicated, whilst the solution might be right “under your nose”.
Can you see it?
West has led with the ♠K, and we can now count 4 losers: 2 in ♠ and 2 in ♣. It seems impossible to get rid of them.
Let’s try a different approach:
we count 9 tricks:
1 in ♠, 7 in ♥ and 1 in ♦.
It seems we can develop another trick in ♦, if the suit is distributed 4-3 (62% chance).
In this case, we will win with the ♦A, and then ruff 3 diamonds to promote the 5th ♦.
However, to accomplish this we will need to enter Dummy 4 times (3 times to ruff the
♦’s, and another time to cash the last ♦), but it seems we only have 1 entry with the ♦A!
Well, don’t despair and take another look!
You will notice that we can use the 3 trumps in Dummy as entries, since we have lower trumps in our hand. We will save the high trumps in our hand for ruffing.
The correct play:
1. Win with the ♠A
2. Win with the ♦A
3. Ruff a ♦ with the ♥A!
4. Play a small ♥ to the ♥T
5. Ruff a ♦ with the ♥K!
6. Play a small ♥ to the ♥9,
7. Ruff a ♦ with the ♥Q!
8. Play a small ♥ to the ♥8!
9. Win with the last ♦
10. Win with the last ♥ to make the contract.
Hello to all Members. If you know of any of our members who are not well, please let me know and I will send them an appropriate card.
Thank you.
Betty Philpot.
Welfare Officer.
That’s all folks. Stay safe, keep healthy and if you have any news, stories, jokes and tips that you want to share – please complete the form below.
Cnr McLarty and Watts Road
Safety Bay
WA 6169
Call us: 08 9591 3444
Email us:
© 2025 Rockingham Bridge Club.