Category: News

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Newsletter 29th June 2020

29th June 2020 Message from the President Dear members, No more sleeps….  Hope to see you later, with all your sparkles and bling. Last week we gave you the 10 commandments that should help keep us safe from Corona Virus when we open!  A few people have asked how we maintain the 1.5m rule whilst …

Newsletter 22nd June 2020

22nd June 2020 Message from the President Dear members, At last, there is light at the end of the tunnel. Mid March till now! I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your support and patience over this difficult time.  Wow it has been a long haul, but let’s count our …

Newsletter 15th June 2020

15th June 2020 Message from the President Dear Members, I promised you a surprise this week and here it is. Your clubhouse has a new sign! Now… if people are looking for us they should find us. The sign was donated by someone who would like to remain anonymous.  However, I’ve got to tell you …

Newsletter 8th June 2020

8th June 2020 Message from the President Dear Members, We had a meeting this week to decide whether we should open or not. BAWA had written to say that it was up to the club whether to open or not but to remember that if we contravene the Covid rules we will not be insured. …

Newsletter 1st June 2020

1st June 2020 Message from the President Dear Members, What good news WA had this week. I’ve been telling my family that I thought we’d be back in June but it was really wishful thinking! BAWA will be giving us guidelines but I do think we have anticipated much of what they will advise us …

Newsletter 25th May 2020

25th May 2020 Message from the President Dear Members, It is with great regret that I have to inform you that Raewyn has resigned as Vice President and from the committee due to ill health. I don’t need to tell you what a huge impact she has had on our club? For our newer members, …

Newsletter 18th May 2020

18th May 2020 Message from the President Dear Members, We had our first on line green point bridge Day last Monday.  A big thank you to Mike for directing it. Our own members did very well, with Alan and Kimberley winning the event. We would have had 6 tables but one person dropped out just …

Newsletter 11th May 2020

11th May 2020 Message from the President Good day membersA week closer to opening up again. That’s the way we have to look at each week that goes by! Although, I have worked out how to make the tables bigger but we still have to share cards and the way not to share cards would …

Newsletter 4th May 2020

4th May 2020 Message from the President Good day members, This week we reached a milestone in your committee members lives since being elected. We met in person! The lockdown was put in place a week after the AGM. Yes, we kept our distance, we even had tea and cake afterwards. It was really good …

Newsletter 27th April 2020

27th April 2020 Message from the President Good day all, Another week gone by and another newsletter! The “curve is flattening” and today some restrictions have been eased – this is all extremely hopeful.  We also have a new section to our Newsletter, I will keep you in suspense! Earlier in the week I went …